Daily Rank Tracking

SERPWoo provides consistent and accurate daily rank tracking data for SEOs, agencies, and businesses looking to understand where they are within Google search results.

Daily Rank tracking

Saved Filters

Create filters and save filters for later use.

Saved Filters

Competitor Comparison

SERPWoo started off as the first Full SERP Tracking software.

Our supreme ability shows when you get your first experience while viewing the full SERP results and start tracking your data accurately.

This is how we stack up against the competition:

Feature SERPWoo Ahrefs SEMRush Majestic SERPBook Moz
Daily Rank Tracking   X [1] X X [2]
Local SEO (More Info)   X X
Mobile (More Info)   X
SERP Crawl (More Info)   100+ 100 100 X 100 50
Keywords   2400 [3] 500 500 X 500 300
Requires GSC   No No No Yes No No
Monthly Price $99.95 $99 $119.95 $99.99 $97 $99

[1]: Ahrefs requires a $399 a month subscription for tracking every 3 Days! Ahref's $99 plan above only has weekly rank tracking.

[2]: Moz only reports weekly rankings, with only 300 keywords and only crawls the first 50 positions (page 1-4).

[3]: Use SERPWoo Bonus Code "PaidMeUpScotty" for an additional 20% increase in keyword capacity (Silver plan's 2000 keywords become 2400). You can also stack other bonus codes to continue increasing your capacity as well!

Checkout SERPWoo's Features

Get a list of our major and unique features which professionals use every day to help their online marketing campaigns succeed: Features
