ZORA Factors - Help Guide


Here is a collection of all the ZORA Factors that analyses output. ZORA currently calculates against 37 factors (there are very few on-page HTML elements that have SEO values - there definitely aren't 10,000, come on... knock it off).

Additional Resources

For an quick overview: ZORA - On-Page Analysis

For the official help guide: ZORA Help Guide

Section Organization

Each element is organized into 4 sections which the ZORA analysis is divided into, You'll see one of four of these tags to showcase which section within the ZORA analysis you can find the element:

Header   Content   Media   Various

Special Note

Please Note: ZORA does NOT count nested content as part of the parent's factor. Example:

<div><p>HELLO WORLD</p></div>

In the above scenario HELLO WORLD will ONLY count towards the <p> factor and NOT the <div>.


A_ANCHOR Content

This is the anchor text of a link, where the keyword term might appear.

<a href='https://www.example.com/' title='SOME TITLE TEXT'>ANCHOR TEXT</a>

A_HREF Content

This is the page that is being linked to where the keyword term might be within.

<a href='https://www.example.com/' title='SOME TITLE TEXT'>ANCHOR TEXT</a>


This is a yes or no scenario, does it exist or not. There is no other value.

<a href='https://www.example.com/' title='SOME TITLE TEXT' rel='nofollow'>ANCHOR TEXT</a>


This is a yes or no scenario, does it exist or not. There is no other value.

<a href='https://www.example.com/' title='SOME TITLE TEXT' rel='sponsored'>ANCHOR TEXT</a>

A_REL_UGC Content

This is a yes or no scenario, does it exist or not. There is no other value.

<a href='https://www.example.com/' title='SOME TITLE TEXT' rel='ugc'>ANCHOR TEXT</a>

A_TITLE Content

This is the title tag of a link (similiar to an image's alt tag). When hovering over a link with a title tag this will appear.

<a href='https://www.example.com/' title='KEYWORD TERM'>ANCHOR TEXT</a>

B_STRONG Content

These factors are all of the <b> or <strong> HTML tags on a page. (B and STRONG are considered equal within Google search: Is there a difference between the "strong" and "b" tags in terms of SEO?)

<strong>KEYWORD TERM</strong>

BODY Various

This factor showcases whether the keyword term is within the body tags of the page - WITHOUT being nested in other tags like <div> or <p>. Rarely does this ever happen, but you never know.

<body>KEYWORD TERM</body>

DIV Various

All the div layer which contain the keyword term on a page (WITHOUT being nested in other <div> or <p> tags).

<div>KEYWORD TERM</div>

H1_#1 / H1_1 Header

H1_#1 means the first H1 tag on a page. Normal pages are supposed to have a single H1 tag but some pages can show multiple H1 tags. We provide metrics for the single version and the multiple version. However, you should ALWAYS use the _#1 version in your considerations.


H1 Header

H1 means the all H1 tags on a page. Normal pages are supposed to have a single H1 tag but some pages can show multiple H1 tags. We provide metrics for the single version and the multiple version. However, you should ALWAYS use the _#1 version in your considerations.


H2 Header

All the H2 tags on a page.


H3 Header

All the H3 tags on a page.


H4 Header

All the H4 tags on a page.


H5 Header

All the H5 tags on a page.


H6 Header

All the H6 tags on a page.



This is the alternative text tag for an image. Used for persons who are impaired as a way to understand what the image is about.

<img src='https://www.example.com/' alt='KEYWORD TERM' title='SOME TITLE TEXT'>


This is the link to the source of the image (URL path and filename). Keyword terms can appear here.

<img src='https://www.example.com/' alt='SOME ALTERNATIVE TEXT' title='SOME TITLE TEXT'>


This is the title tag of the image, similar to the alt tag of an image. Some may consider it redundant to have both an alt and a title tag. The Alt tag is generally considered the most important.

<img src='https://www.example.com/' alt='SOME ALTERNATIVE TEXT' title='KEYWORD TERM'>

IN_URL Various

This factor showcases whether the keyword term is within the URL of the page.



These factors are all of the <i> or <em> HTML tags on a page. (I and EM are considered equal within Google search: Is there a difference between the "strong" and "b" tags in terms of SEO?)


LI Content

All the LI tags which contain the keyword term on a page (Normally these are within a sort<ol></ol> or list </ul></ul> order).


This shows whether the keyword term is in the href part of a link tag. (Learn more: HTML href Attribute)

       <link rel='stylesheet' href='KEYWORD TERM.css'>

This shows whether the keyword term is in the lang part of a link tag. (Learn more: Hreflang Tag)

       <link rel='alternate' href='http://www.domain.com' hreflang='KEYWORD TERM'>

MARK Content

All the mark tags on a page.

<mark>KEYWORD TERM</mark>


This shows whether the keyword term inside the content of the meta author tag.

        <meta name='author' content='KEYWORD TERM'>

This shows whether the keyword term inside the content of the meta copright tag.

        <meta name='copyright' content='KEYWORD TERM'>


This shows whether the keyword term inside the content of the meta description.

        <meta name='description' content='KEYWORD TERM'>


This shows whether the keyword term inside the content of the meta http-equiv tag.

        <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='KEYWORD TERM'>


This shows whether the keyword term inside the content of the meta keywords. (Please don't email us stating that Google doesn't look at Meta Keywords, please don't! Webmasters and several CMSes still incorporate this HTML tag within their pages)

        <meta name='keywords' content='KEYWORD TERM'>

META_OG Header

This shows whether the keyword term inside the content of the meta og: tags.

        <meta property='og:type' content='KEYWORD TERM'>
        <meta property='og:title' content='KEYWORD TERM'>
        <meta property='og:url' content='KEYWORD TERM'>
        <meta property='og:site_name' content='KEYWORD TERM'>
        <meta property='og:image' content='KEYWORD TERM'>


This shows whether the keyword term inside the content of the meta robots tag.

        <meta name='robots' content='KEYWORD TERM'>

P Content

All the paragraph tags which contain the keyword term on a page (WITHOUT being nested in other <div> or other html tags).


SPAN Content

All the span tags which contain the keyword term on a page (WITHOUT being nested in other <div> or <p> tags).

<span>KEYWORD TERM</span>

TITLE_#1 / TITLE_1 Header

TITLE_#1 means the first TITLE tag on a page. Normal pages are supposed to have a single TITLE tag but some pages can show multiple TITLE tags. We provide metrics for the single version and the multiple version. However, you should ALWAYS use the _#1 version in your considerations.

<title>KEYWORD TERM</title>
<title>KEYWORD TERM</title>
<title>KEYWORD TERM</title>

TITLE Header

TITLE means the all TITLE tags on a page. Normal pages are supposed to have a single TITLE tag but some pages can show multiple TITLE tags. We provide metrics for the single version and the multiple version. However, you should ALWAYS use the _#1 version in your considerations.

<title>KEYWORD TERM</title>
<title>KEYWORD TERM</title>
<title>KEYWORD TERM</title>


All the underline keyword terms on a page.



Correlation Formula

We utilize Spearman and Pearson formulas to generate the correlating data to create the optimization roadmap for your page.

Importance Score

There are 5 levels of importance you can set (7 that show up), statistically anything above "Good" needs to be strongly taken into consideration.

  1. Extreme: The highest level, a bit unrealistic to see this. IF you do you need to implement that suggestion IMMEDIATELY! Yesterday!
  2. Strong: The 2nd highest level, if you see an element + keyword with this you need to implement that suggestion on the page ASAP.
  3. Good: This is the default setting, and anything that is Good and above needs to be taken into consideration and implemented. The search engines consider Good, Strong, and Extreme to strongly correlate with the top pages in the results for your keyword.
  4. Weak: The 2nd lowest level, these suggestions are not important but can help.
  5. Insignificant: The lowest level these suggesstions are a waste of time and in some cases can cause your page problems.
  6. Bad Correlation: If you see this label you need to consider removing whatever this element + keyword it. It means the search engine does not like this and correlates it with low ranking pages.
  7. Very Bad: This is the real lowest level and needs to be immediately removed since it is hindering your page from ranking.


As we implement more we'll continue updating this help guide.

Last updated: March 23rd, 2022
