Reporting Help Guide
A quick guide on the different reporting options available for you account. Learn more here: Reporting

The Problem
Traditional SEO and ORM (online reputation management) reporting consist of CSV or Excel files that lack the professional presentation for your clients.
Personally if you send me an excel file it's never getting opened.
Our Solution
SERPWoo allows you to create beautiful PDFs with client's color scheme and logos to give them a customized experience. As well you can schedule PDF reports in a forget it and set it manner which gives you one less thing to worry about.
You can schedule reports to go out daily, weekly, monthly, or on specific day of the month.
As well you can give clients live URLs to view dashboards of their projects.
You can also use our white label domain for your dashboards to take the experience to the next level (requires silver and up plans).
Secret Sauce Usage:
1. Schedule weekly alerts to go out on Sundays so customers and clients can have them going into the week while attacking their SEO or ORM game plan.
Setting A Schedule
After you have created a new report, customized it with your client's brand colors, and inputted the person(s) you want the emailed PDF to go to - head over to the "Schedule" Tab to set up the day your PDF report will go out.
First select the "Start Date" - this is the day the report is scheduled to start. This is important since the frequency of the reports will start with the start date.
As an example if you want reports going out weekly on Mondays then schedule the report to start on the Monday coming up and set the "Frequency" to "Weekly".

When SERPWoo has processed 100% of your ranking data on that Monday it will then send out your PDF Report to your client.
Special Note:
There is no specific time guarantee since SERPWoo re-confirms SERP crawls when we find new updated rankings, meaning:
First SERPWoo crawls the Google results of a keyword in the morning, then a little later that day, and if we found significant organic changes between the original two results, the system may decide to re-crawl that keyword multiple more times that day to find the most consistent result.
Once we are confident the result is one where 90% of users querying that keyword see those results we will mark the keyword as "done" for the day. Only when all your keywords in a project are "done" will the PDF report go out.
Going back to the above Monday example, if you need your report to be in your client's inbox Monday morning, I suggest scheduling the report to start off on Sunday instead. That way Monday morning the report will be there in their email inbox with data up-to Sunday night completely processed for that project.
I also suggest adding your own email to the list of email recipients so you know exactly when a report went out and also have the most up to date report that your client is looking at, since they may want to discuss the latest updates.
You can schedule reports to go out One-Time (only once), Daily, Weekly, Every 2 weeks, or every 4 weeks.
Specific Day of The Month
If you would like your report to go out every "15th" of each month use the "Custom" option within the Schedule Tab then select "Every 15th". The system will then wait till the next 15th of the month to send out the PDF report.

The end result is a beautiful PDF Report that gives you the professional look.

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