Rank Tracking Help Guide
Track your SEO and ORM progress with our powerful Rank Tracker with Full SERPs View. Learn more here: Rank Tracking

The Problem
Monitoring how your SEO campaigns is working with Google is critical to the success of all businesses. Traditional rank trackers generally just show you all the rankings in one go.
At SERPWoo we needed a way to filter how which rankings are increasing so we can tell our clients about the wins.
We also needed a way to quickly tell which rankings are slipping so we can throw them into ZORA to find improvements that we need to incorporate.
Our Solution
Custom Filters now allow us to narrow down the critical data pieces we want to surface.

Secret Sauce Usage:
1. Use Carter's Cheetsheet to create filters that dig deeper into your data.
By creating filters you will be able to see the most important pieces of data across your account that are critical to your success and allow you to avoid downfalls for your SEO campaigns.
Get Started
Here is a quick overview of the rank tracker interface.

Top Stats Charts

The 1st stat chart showcases the amount of rising rankings for your project(s). In the above example 344 keywords out of the 797 total potential have risen since they were last checked (usually against yesterday or the day before's data).
The 2nd stat chart showcases the amount of dropping rankings for your project(s). In the above example 274 keywords out of the 797 total potential have dropped since they were last checked (usually against yesterday or the day before's data).
The 3rd stat chart showcases the amount of #1 rankings you have within your project(s). In the above example 32 keywords out of the total potential are in the #1 position since they were last checked (usually against yesterday or the day before's data). If you look a little closer you'll see a 3rd line which indicates a drop of 1. This means that the previous days' #1 positions were 33, but now are 32, so overall there are less #1 positions. The box is a red indicating a downward movement in rankings.
The 4th stat chart showcases the amount of #2 through #5 rankings you have within your project(s). In the above example 44 keywords out of the total potential have risen since they were last checked. The box is green since this number is increasing. The 3rd line indicates there are 4 more rankings than there were the day before - therefore the overall box is green.
The 5th stat chart showcases the amount of #6 through #10 rankings you have within your project(s). In the above example 88 keywords out of the total potential have risen since they were last checked. The box is red since this number is decreasing. The 3rd line indicates there are 10 more rankings than there were the day before - therefore the overall box is green.
The 6th stat chart showcases the amount of #11 through #20 rankings you have within your project(s). In the above example 126 keywords out of the total potential have risen since they were last checked. The box is green since this number is increasing. The 3rd line indicates there are 4 less rankings than there were the day before - therefore the overall box is red.
A further breakdown:

Filter And Save Your Data!

Filters allow you to organize and hone in on the your ranking data.
Add A Filter

Adding a filter is a easy, simply click the "Add Filter" button within the filter area.
Types of Filters
There are several types of filters available, here we'll go over them one by one:
Tag Filter

The tag filter allows you to filter your data by sentiment. Tags have a value of positive, negative, neutral, or no value. You can create custom tags from the tag interface to help organize your data.
Ranking Positions Filter

The ranking position filter is one of the most powerful filters, you can really figure out what's going up and down by using the previous day versus current day ranking.
Keywords Filter

You can use this filter to display only rankings by keyword attributes. For example you can select only keywords that are mobile instead of desktop.
Projects / Teams Filter

You can use this filter to only showcase data from certain projects or teams. I organize my clients by teams (which are groups of projects for a particular client). Learn more: Teams (Groups of Projects)
Dates Filter

This filter allows you to find data that stopped ranking or was last seen before a certain time period. When rankings drop use this filter to help navigate your data.
Save Filters

One you have a set of filters in place you can save the filter for later usage. You can use the Carter cheatsheet to get ideas of filters you can copy.
Display Settings

You can customize the data you see within the rank tracking panel to your liking. If you have any ideas or feedback on what else can be added just let us know within the In-App messaging chat.
Visualize Keyword Ranking

Using the "SERP" column click on the icon to expand a keyword's data. Expanding a keyword allows you to view the last 90 days of movement within the SERPs for that keyword against the selected domain/url.
One of the new features you'll notice within SERPWoo's interface are sparklines.

Sparklines indicate whether there is an increasing (green = positive ) or decreasing (red = negative ) movement for the element the sparkline is attached too.
In the first example the sparklines indicate the top project is increasing and growing - the sparkline aggregates the averages rankings within the project for the last 90 days.
The second example shows a declining sparkline average over the last 90 days - but since it is declining it is colored red.
If there is no change when comparing 90 days back (or the oldest data) versus today (or most recent data) you will see a blue sparkline . That means 90 days ago the ranking was X and today the ranking is also X, even though there was fluctuation in between.
Sparklines will also appear next to keywords to indicate their SERP ranking movement to help you quickly distinguish which rankings are increasing and which ones are dropping so you can concentrate your efforts accordingly.
Rank Tracking
Our rank tracking helps you see further in-depth into you SEO results than the competitors due to our unique filters, data display, and customization. If you have any questions contact us within the In-App messaging chat and we'll be glad to help.
Get in touch or create an account.