GEM:Zero Search Volume Traffic Keywords
Learn how to guesstimate zero search volume terms.
GEM: Zero Search Volume Traffic Keywords
The data from some keyword tools may be old and/or not up-to date due to the nature of their sourcing. So example - something might be really hot right now, like, I dunno "COVID Zeta", yet several keyword tools will have 0 volume since it is so brand new. You can get around this by using Google Trends, which even allows you to localize to a city results:

Source: People Also Ask Tips For Local SEO
You will not get search volumes but you'll be able to do comparisons, and if you know the search volume of a term like "braces" you can guesstimate the volume of lesser known terms.
Read the full technique: Getting Traffic Numbers from Zero Search Volume Terms
Additional Proof
Here is some further evidence that keywords with zero volume get traffic:

Source: Don't trust search volume metrics when doing keyword research!
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