Using Our Global Stats To Understand SEO Algo Changes
Hey WooNation,
Jason here.
Have you checked out our Global Stats feature in SERPWoo?

It can help provide a wealth of information about the current state of SEO.
I want to show you how you can use Global Stats to understand what is going on with Google so you can make the right decisions when it comes time to audit your site and research your competitors.
When you first load our Global Stats, you will encounter an image like this below:

You can look at our Global Stats per day for up to 1 year.
However, I like to view the last 28 days ( red arrow ). The drop down will allow you to select different ranges of days.
So why is that important?
Well, if I want to see updates, algo changes, or major events in going on with Google SERPs, I can build a timeline AND a baseline of the events.
Just by eyeballing the last 28 days above, I can see an average that most of the bars are below the 15 Y-axis line ( green arrow ). Any bars that hit 15 or above, are major changes I should look into potentially.
So if I know my website took a hit in rankings ( from using our SERP tracking services ) on April 23rd, 24th, or 25th.. I can see that a lot of SERPs shuffled and got hit on those same dates ( yellow arrow ).
I know now it's not my site personally, or a penalty that hit me on my specific keywords, its a major shift in rankings and SERPs across all of Google.
Whew.. At least I know I don't need to break out ScreamingFrog and do a deep dive on my site now.
And what about times like May 5th, 6th and 7th ( blue arrows )?
We know these are Google Core updates per Google directly.
But many times Google does not confirm updates or admit to algo changes.
As we see here, there was no confirmation at the end of March.

Other similar tools also picked up changes on this date. Algoroo and MozCast picked them up, but Google did not confirm an update.
Using our Global Stats could have helped you notice changes outside of your control when SERPs are shuffling around. You could have jump right in and took the correct actions as needed.
Here are some examples where this might help you personally with a website you are trying to improve.
You have a website you want to improve. It's been on the second page of Google for months. You decide to run an Onsite Audit with our powerful Zora tool of your site compared to your competitors to determine what you need to improve. However, if it's March 31st, April 24th or May 6th.. it might be a bad time to run such an analysis as everything is in flux on those dates ( possible Google updates ).
- A better time to run such an analysis might be right after or not during an update, so that you get accurate and current data that you can use.
A client's website tanks from the first page to the 3rd page. You are not sure what is wrong. Could it be a penalty, an algo update, or something else? You could check here first and notice that all the bars for the last few days are below 15 ( or your baseline ), so it must be something specific with your site and keyword since entire SERPs are not shifting.
You hired an SEO "guru" and they promised to move you up in rankings. However, you are unsure if they can actually do it. Your website jumps from the 3rd page to the 1at page and you assume their work helped. But you check here and realize there has been a major shuffling in the SERPs ( like on May 5th ) and that maybe their work wasn't what helped you rank after all.
These are just a few examples that can help show how having a baseline will help you with your specific keywords and website rankings.
This type of information can help direct you to making the right decisions on what to improve and what to change.
But our Global Stats doesn't stop there.
We add in breakdowns that other similar tools do not provide to help you further understand this data.

You can view breakdowns of what is happening in other countries and compare them to one another.
Maybe something is hitting SERPs in Brazil, but not Japan.
Maybe Globally things are shifting, but it hasn't hit Spain yet.
We even break down:
- Local
- Non-local
- Mobile
- Desktop
- Monthly Search Volumes ( under 100 and up to 1M+ )
Notice how the recent Google Core update ( May 5th, 6th, 7th ) doesn't seem to have impacted keywords with search volumes over 1M+

But it did on keywords with search volumes of 50,000 and below...

Could it be that large brands are not getting impacted in this update? Maybe only longer tail keywords are getting hit? There is still some more digging we need to do, but at least we know where to dig now potentially.
And no other tool is giving you this type of insight.
And that's exactly why a tool like SERPWoo was invented, to give you insight into metrics no other SEO provided you for decades.
See, we do these calculations across our entire keyword universe.
Most other similar tools only do a small subset of their data. 10,000 keywords, or only keywords in a certain country.
Most also update the next day or once a day.
SERPWoo updates multiple times a day across every single keyword, which totals in the millions.
And then we break it down into different sections for you automatically so you can not only spot the update, but where that update is impacting.
I generally try to check out our Global Stats every day to spot hidden and un-named algo updates so I can be prepared if my websites drop or rankings change so I can be prepared.
I also back this up with each keyword I am tracking within SERPWoo at the individual keyword Volatility level.

This is a keyword I am tracking in SERPWoo.
I can tell that while Global Stats is showing high shifting on May 7th ( today, as of this writing ), this specific keyword's SERPs have calmed down as of May 7th. Meaning I can probably expect this keyword to have settled some at least.
My client or boss will be happy to know that and see this now.
And if I want to see what the shake up was all about so I can learn from it all, I just need to look at the SERP Tracking for this same keyword and see what moved that might interest me.
Here is something I found really telling ..

Prevention.com moved up from the 2nd page of Google ( 13th ) to 5th after the Google Core Update.
I know exactly who to analyze now, for my specific keyword, to find out what Google is rewarding after this Core Update.
And if I am monitoring multiple keywords in the same niche at SERPWoo, I can do this same thing across all keywords and figure out what it takes to "rank in my niche" at this very moment.
It's a win-win for me and my clients/business.
So, are you ready to check out our Global Stats today? Log in and let us know what you think.
We build tools to help you win at SEO. To make more revenue and to win more clients.
We want you to use SERPWoo to level up your digital marketing efforts.
That's why we build the best tools on the market for serious players.