Introducing The Free Local Search Results Checker
We created this tool based off of user feedback - free to use for ANYONE and EVERYONE that's interested in seeing how search results look within different postal codes, cities, regions, localities and more.
Click Image Above To Visit Tool
We opened this tool up to the world since we believe it will aid in users' understanding of how search results differ by location as Google continues to incorporate more and more localized and personalized results within it's results.
Test drive it now and let us know what you think: Local Search Results Checker
There are similar tools on the market, but most require you to know the exact way Google saves the location you are looking up, we provide a pre-populated list of geo-locations so you don't have any guess work.
Those other tools allow you to input incorrect data like "99999999" which will result in you getting back data that is inaccurate from what you want. Our geo-locations are accurate and have sophisticated smart detection algorithms so we will suggest the accurate location even if you misspell a location.
An exaggerated example is someone looking for a location that they cannot remember the spelling of but just sound it out may type in "Shikago" - what they really wanted was "Chicago" - our geo-location is smart enough to help the user by suggesting the correct location of "Chicago, IL":
We use this same smart suggestion technology within the SERPWoo Project Wizard when users create local seo projects.
You can also query the Local Map Pack (SERPWoo currently doesn't track individual Map Packs outside organic - YET):
This tool is a part of our new Lab section where we will be creating free tools for the SEO community that are currently lacking due to gurus purchasing them or simply hidden from the world and need to be surfaced. Soon we'll be launching another free tool to help SEOs with their "keyword suggestions".
Check out SERPWoo's Local Search Results Checker now.
Obviously if you are looking to track results (rank tracking) on a daily basis you can login to SERPWoo and create a project with the Project Wizard and go through the simple process of creating a local search project.
As with anything let us know what you think and how we can improve upon it. I'll see you on the frontlines.
- CCarter